The Importance Of Dental Exam And Cleaning Explained

Good oral health is among those things we underappreciate until they are gone. You don’t have to wait until you lose a couple of teeth to realize just how better you were with them. By visiting your dentist every six months for dental exam and teeth cleaning, you’re helping prevent infections and keep your oral health monitored. Here are four reasons why you should see your dentist for a dental exam and professional teeth cleaning.

  1. Cavities can be detected before going full blown

Don’t wait until cavities give you unbearable toothaches to see a dentist. Semi-annual dental exams help your dentist detect cavities while they are still tiny and manageable.

  1. Dental exams and cleaning help you save money

The sooner your dentist detects signs of cavities and gum disease, the sooner treatment begins. Preventive dentistry is more cost effective as teeth require less work than in restorative dentistry. For instance, a cavity that is just starting to develop may be easier to repair than a fully developed one.

  1. Professional teeth cleaning helps remove plaque and tartar

Everyday brushing and flossing may help dislodge particles of food but it won’t stop plaque from accumulating in some parts and hardening into tartar.

A sharp-edged tool called a scaler is used to scour off these substances together with any bacteria they may be carrying.

  1. It helps boost your overall health status

Dentists can detect diseases such as heart disease and diabetes by just examining your mouth. For instance, diabetes sufferers are more likely to develop cavities than healthy people. Your dentist may also be able to detect oral cancer during a dental examination.

Our oral care professionals at Quimson Dental Care are focused on helping you achieve your dream smile. If you’re in San Francisco and are interested in meeting one of our dentists for a dental exam or professional teeth cleaning, reach us through 415-452-0884 to schedule your appointment.