Benefits of Root Canal | San Francisco CA

root canal

There are many clinical and practical reasons for choosing root canal treatment and saving a natural tooth rather than removing and replacing it. 

Some of the benefits include:

Eliminates Pain 

An infected tooth is likely to cause excruciating pain and sensitivity several times a day, making it difficult to function normally. While many people assume that the root canal is scary and painful, modern techniques and effective anesthetics make the procedure just as painless and comfortable as any other dental treatment. And once it’s complete, the pulp (nerve) will be removed and the tooth restored so you can function normally with no pain or discomfort. 

Stops the Spread of Infection 

If an infected tooth is not treated by removing the infection (through extraction or root canal therapy), the bacteria can buildup and cause the infection to spread from the tooth and into the bone tissue and surrounding teeth, making the problem more severe. The infection can also spread to your sinuses and brain, lungs, or heart, resulting in fatal consequences. Root canal therapy involves removal of the infection, followed by cleaning, disinfecting, filling, and sealing the canal to keep bacteria out. 

Preserve Your Tooth 

The only other treatment option for a tooth with an infected pulp is extraction of the tooth. But canine teeth or molars are large and functionally important teeth, such that removing them would pose a challenge, in addition to creating a large wound that needs careful management and a gap in your smile that needs filling with tooth replacement procedure.  

Cost-Effective and Efficient 

Although tooth removal is the most affordable option, it can be more expensive in the long-run if you include the cost of replacing the tooth with implants, bridgework, or partial dentures. Once endodontic treatment is complete and the tooth is restored with a crown, it doesn’t need any follow-up except your regular dental visits. Moreover, most dental insurance plans cover the treatment. 

Final Note 

Endodontic treatment is successful in over 95% of cases, and can help you continue to eat your favorite foods, maintain your natural smile, and eliminate the need for ongoing dental work, as a restored tooth can last a lifetime with proper care.